Intach Quiz Competition
Intach Quiz Competition
Intach Quiz Competition
Pradyot Valedictory Day Pradyot Valedictory Day Chief Guest for the day, Mr.Vinod Prasad, Prof. and Dean, IIT, Palakkad graced APS with his presence.
Pradyot Inauguration Day Pradyot Inauguration Day Inter-school science exhibition ‘Pradyot 2018’ organized by Palakkad District Sahodaya School Complex was held at the sprawling school campus of Ahalia Public School on the 27th & 28th of July 2018. Dr.P.Murali, former Principal, Govt. Victoria College, inaugurated the event.
House Competitions were held for all the classes House Competitions were held for all the classes on 27, 28 June 2018
Music Day & International Yoga Day was celebrated Music Day & International Yoga Day was observed & Music Day was celebrated on June 21st.
Students visited District Library, Palakkad As part Reading Day Celebration week, our students visited District Library, Palakkad.
Class XI Welcome Day Entertainment programme Class XI Welcome Day Entertainment programme arranged by the present XII to welcome the new XI.
Plastic Awareness Class by Abdul Bhashid Mr. Abdul Bashid Plastic Awareness Class by Abdul Bhashid Mr. Abdul Bashid, Excise Range Office, Palakkad took an awareness class based on the theme for Environment day.
Environment Day The first common school assembly was held on June Environment Day The first common school assembly was held on June 5th, World Environment Day. Students of class XII organized the assembly with various programmes related to the environment. Videos related to ‘Beat Plastic Pollution’ were shown. Saplings were planted. An Eco Club was […]
Reopening Day After the sweltering heat of summer Reopening Day After the sweltering heat of summer, the school reopened to a cool start with a lot of funfair to welcome the members of the management, staff and the students. Edakka maestro Sri. Manikandan Peringode entertained the students.