School Reopening Day
School Reopening Day School reopening day celebrated with Oottamthullal of Kalamandalam, Nayanan
School Reopening Day School reopening day celebrated with Oottamthullal of Kalamandalam, Nayanan
Ahalia Early Learning Centre Inaugurated Ahalia Early Learning Centre inaugurated at Public School
KG Annual Day conducted KG Annual Day conducted at Ahalia Public School
Guruvandanam programme at Ahalia Campus Ms. Ranjini Kuruppath, Chemistry Teacher honoured at the Guruvandanam programme at Ahalia Campus
Guruvandanam programme at Ahalia Campus Ms. Girija Raja, Economics teacher honoured at the Guruvandanam programme at Ahalia Campus
Art & Craft Exhibition Art & Craft exhibition displaying the paintings & craft items made by the students.
Republic Day Celebration Republic Day Celebration. Flag Hoisting was done by Sri. Ajith Prasad Sir.
ACV audition for Excellent Singer of Kerala 2019 Some students attended ACV audition for Excellent Singer of Kerala 2019 Musical reality show.
Session about Endosulphan victims Session about Endosulphan victims: Dr. Padmanabhan has delivered an interactive session for senior secondary students about Endosulphan victims.
Annual Day celebration School Annual Day Celebrated with various cultural event. The program was conducted from Ahalia Women Children’s Hospital, Auditorium. Around 1500 parents graced the occasion with their presence.